Horde ist ein PHP-Framework für Webapplikationen. Darüber hinaus gibt es bereits fertige Apps, wie z.b. Webmail IMP
upgrade is done via pear
#as root
umask 022
pear upgrade
then check for bug (BasicAuth and ActiveSync) below
Known Bugs
Apache mod_auth (BasicAuth) and ActiveSync
If Apache mod_auth (BasicAuth) is used for rpc.php ActiveSync is not working. See http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11801
#beginning of _authenticate()
#return true if htpasswd-file is empty and transparent is working, no need to check more
if (empty($this->_params['htpasswd_file']) && $this->transparent()) {
return true;
Pear Error
If you get the error "CRITICAL ERROR: Registry could not be initialized from any value" the rights are probably wrong. E.g. /usr/share/php or /usr/share/php//usr/share/php/.registry must be readable/executable by e.g. webserver account www-data.
Dovecot bringt einen Sieve-Filter-Server mit, diesen kann man mit Horde nutzen: http://www.radnerd.de/artikel/vom-radsport/2013/02/sieve-mit-dovecot-und-horde-5-ingo.html
Für einen Defaultfilter gibt es ein Hook (horde/config/hooks.php)
public function transport_auth($driver)
switch ($driver) {
case 'timsieved':
// Example #1: Use full Horde username for password.
return array('euser' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(null), 'username' => $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(null));
// Example #2: Use IMP password/username.
//$ob = $GLOBALS['registry']->call('mail/imapOb');
//return array(
// 'password' => $ob->getParam('password'),
// 'username' => $ob->getParam('username')
// DEFAULT: Use hordeauth (identical to not defining hook at all).
//return true;