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This awk program deletes C-style comments (‘/* ... */’) Link

negativ from above (print everythings between aAa and bBb)

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
          if ((t = index($0, "Thread-11")) != 0) {
                print $0
               # value of `tmp' will be "" if t is 1
               tmp = substr($0, 1, t - 1)
               u = index(substr($0, t + 2), "*/")
               offset = t + 2
               while (u == 0) {
                    if (getline <= 0) {
                         m = "unexpected EOF or error"
                         m = (m ": " ERRNO)
                         print m > "/dev/stderr"
                print $0
                    u = index($0, "(")
                    offset = 0
               # substr expression will be "" if */
               # occurred at end of line
               #$0 = tmp substr($0, offset + u + 2)
          #print $0

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awk - Eine Einführung

Table of Contents

   * Why learn AWK?
   * Basic Structure
   * Executing an AWK script
   * Which shell to use with AWK?
   * Dynamic Variables
   * The Essential Syntax of AWK
   * Arithmetic Expressions
   * Unary arithmetic operators
   * The Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators
   * Assignment Operators
   * Conditional expressions
   * Regular Expressions
   * And/Or/Not
   * Commands
   * AWK Built-in Variables
   * FS - The Input Field Separator Variable
   * OFS - The Output Field Separator Variable
   * NF - The Number of Fields Variable
   * NR - The Number of Records Variable
   * RS - The Record Separator Variable
   * ORS - The Record Separator Variable
   * FILENAME - The Current Filename Variable"
   * Associative Arrays
   * Multi-dimensional Arrays
   * Example of using AWK's Associative Arrays
   * Output of the script
   * Picture Perfect PRINTF Output
   * PRINTF - formatting output
   * Escape Sequences
   * Format Specifiers
   * Width - specifying minimum field size
   * Left Justification
   * The Field Precision Value
   * Explicit File output
   * AWK Numerical Functions
   * Trigonometric Functions
   * Exponents, logs and square roots
   * Truncating Integers
   * "Random Numbers
   * The Lotto script
   * String Functions
   * The Length function
   * The Index Function
   * The Substr function
   * GAWK's Tolower and Toupper function
   * The Split function
   * NAWK's string functions
   * The Match function
   * The System function
   * The Getline function
   * The systime function
   * The Strftime function
   * User Defined Functions
   * AWK patterns
   * Formatting AWK programs
   * Environment Variables
   * ARGC - Number or arguments (NAWK/GAWK)
   * ARGV - Array of arguments (NAWK/GAWK)
   * ARGIND - Argument Index (GAWK only)
   * RSTART, RLENGTH and match (NAWK/GAWK)
   * SUBSEP - Multi-dimensional array separator (NAWK/GAWK)
   * ENVIRON - environment variables (GAWK only)
   * CONVFMT - conversion format (GAWK only)
   * ERRNO - system errors (GAWK only)
   * FIELDWIDTHS - fixed width fields (GAWK only)