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Holland is an Open Source backup framework originally developed at Rackspace and written in Python. Its goal is to help facilitate backing up databases with greater configurability, consistency, and ease. Holland is capable of backing up other types of data, too. Because of its plugin structure, Holland can be used to backup anything you want by whatever means you want.

Notable Features

  • Pluggable Framework
  • Supports Multiple Backup Sets
  • Database and Table Filtering (Using GLOBs)
  • Auto-Detection of Transactional DBs
  • Safe use of –single-transaction with mysqldumpIn-Line and Pluggable Compression
  • Backups Suitable for Point-In-Time Recovery / Replication
  • MySQL + LVM Snapshot and Logical Backups
  • PostgreSQL backups using pgdum


## Top level directory where backups are held
backup_directory = /xxx/backup/holland

## Whether to run a separate mysqldump for each database. Note that while
## this may initially sound like a good idea, it is far simpler to backup
## all databases in one file, although that makes the restore process
## more difficult when only certain data needs to be restored.
file-per-database   = yes

## MySQL connection settings. Note that Holland will try ot read from
## the provided files defined in the 'defaults-extra-file', although 
## explicitly defining the connection inforamtion here will take precedence.
defaults-extra-file  = /etc/mysql/debian.cnf,/root/.my.cnf,~/.my.cnf,

backups-to-keep = 3

http://www.hollandbackup.org/ http://docs.hollandbackup.org/commands.html